Thursday, November 3, 2011

Works for us, Child Labor, WORK, WORK, WORK

What a fun day of staining the fence. A great time was had by all. Please take note of the safety glasses adorned by all involved. Nate's are rather Erkel-esque, wouldn't you agree? We are on a
"Work as a Family" kick the last little while. Why you may ask? Why put yourselves through that?
I was talking to my Dad about getting the kids to work and how in the world did he do it with us.
He said,"Do you really think we needed a 1/2 acre of beans?" Oh, all this time I thought that he and mom enjoyed canning to Kingdom Come. Come to find out it was all a ploy to teach us how to work. Which in and of itself is work, exhausting, back breaking (or should I say mental state breaking), work. No, really after about 4 hours I was sooo done. But, look at the fence. It's done. The kids are proud of their work. Nate and I are proud of the kids, and it does seem to bring out the best in all of us for a while.
For example:
We work together, small people getting the low areas, big people the high.
We get messy, really messy, kids loved that part.
We become bi-langual, the principle language being Whinese.
We dance and become rather silly, which is my personal favorite part.

So, onward and upward toward the steep climb of teaching kids to work and to enjoy it. It's a trick, but certainly one that pays large dividends. Right?


Darci Buhl said...

I love the safety glasses! Reminds me of the time I was taking pictures of grandpa in the shop and he said, "STOP! I need to put my glasses on in case Nate sees these!" Hahaha. So funny. And your fence looks great!